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Friday, March 14, 2025
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History: In 2007, HOLY CROSS SCHOOL was planted as a tiny seed at Khandwa road and opened its doors as a catholic school for Khandwa Road vicinity, with an enrollment of 47 children. This noble service of fostering intellectual and personal development in the young learners was started by the Holy Cross Society.

Holy Cross Society is an international Christian women congregation known as sisters of mercy of the Holy Cross. Holy Cross School traces its origin to its spiritual father Theodosius Florentini OFM cap. (1808-1865) and Mother Maria Theresa Scherer, Switzerland. The motto of the congregation is: The need of the time is the will of God.

Their lofty ideals and combined efforts have been instrumental in nurturing and developing the school from the beginning of its conception. The gospel values guide all learning and instructions.

The Motto: Live and Let Live.

Life is the most precious gift we can have from the Divine. The nature of life is to flow and to keep flowing until it reaches the ultimate Divine reality back. Only then one’s life bubbles forth with meaning and joy.Every Holy Crossian is urged to be moved by this giftedness of life and share it with others without holding back, in order to build a healthy and loving community.


By the end of Education in Holy Cross School, every Holy Crossian will have developed in totality which implies physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social aspects that she/he with a balanced and a healthy view of one’s life uphold sound principles and thus brings about a transformation in the Society reflecting love, justice, unity and happiness.


The members of Holy Cross School in pursuit of ‘THE GURU’ commit themselves to the mission of building compassionate, caring,competent and confident individuals who in turn will change the
oppressive elements I structures of the society.

Goals/ Aims & objectives: - To enable the child through motivation, inspiration, activities and exposure:

a. Respect each person’s dignity, religion, caste or color.

b. Promote love, justice and equality.

c. Cultivate responsibility and caring attitude towards nature and all forms of life.

d. Build self esteem, sound principles and healthy attitudes towards oneself.

e. Grow emotionally balanced and build healthy relationships.

f. To live and serve the society in peace and harmony.


School Hours

Monday to Friday:




9:00 am to 01:30 pm

8:10 am to 2:15 pm






9:00 am to 01:30 pm

8:10 am to 12:30 pm


*The last Saturday of every month is holiday for Pre-Primary.

* Every Saturday is holiday for Nursery.

Parents may meet the Principal:


Nursery- IX

9.00am to 10.00 am


Parents may meet the teachers (Monday to Friday only):



I - IX

2.00 pm to 2:30 pm

2:25 pm to 2:40 pm


Office Timing for parents:


08:30 am to 12:30 pm (Monday to Friday)

08:30 am to 11:00 am (Saturday)


Fee deposit timing: - 08:30 am to 12:30 pm (only)

Note: No school business will be transacted on holidays and after the
office hours.



O,My God, I offer you, all think or do, or say today. Help me to do what is Right and to keep away from what is wrong. Bless me, bless my father And mothers, bless my teachers and friends and all those I love, so that I May come to know you, and love you better, every day.


My God, I thank you for this lovely day in my school. Thank you, for the Love we share, the games we play, and the fun we have and the lessons We learn Guide us on our way and protect us each day.


Our Father in heaven. Holy be your name.
Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Gives us today our daily bread, forgive us our sins as we forgive those
Who sin against us.

Do not bring us to the test but deliver us from evil. Amen.


less us O, Father, and bless this food that we may gain strength to study and do all our work joyfully and perfectly.


O God, THE SOURCE of all knowledge,

Enlighten our mind, strengthen our memories and direct our will towards What is right Grant us your wisdom and insight so that we may be good And speak the truth, be happy and thus GLORIFY YOUR NAME.


Come, Holy Spirit of God, source of all goodness, fill us with your gifts of Wisdom, understanding and good memory. Enkindle in us the fire of your divine love that we may be able to express our thoughts, ideas and knowledge in the best possible way. Amen.


Heavenly Father, I thank you for my loving parents, brothers and sisters. May your love keep us united and make us vibrant to live, to share and toGrow in joy. May we support each other in joys and sorrows. Help us toforgive another as you forgiveour sins. Protect us from every eviland guide our every step. -Amen.

Prayers & Hymns: Diary Page no.25

Prayer Songs: Praise him, God’s love is so wonderful, This little guiding light, Showers of blessing, Like a sunflower, Walking with the Lord. (diary pg no.28-31)