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Friday, March 14, 2025
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1. Parental Co-operation is very essential because greater theco-operation between home and school, faster the child’s progressand surer the fruits of educational efforts. The school, therefore, invites the parents I guardians to extend their whole heartedco-operation by visiting the school periodically (open days) andkeeping in close touch with the teachers and the school authoritiesduring the visiting hours.<

2. As the first in the direction, parents are earnestly requested to familiarize themselves with this diary and the rules it contains.

3.The School authorities strongly recommend the parents not to arrange for medical appointments of their wards during school hours.

4 Parents or guardians are requested to enforce punctuality and discipline, to see that their children are; regular, tidy, punctual i.e. 8:00 a.m. and bring all the necessary stationeries (Books, copies, writing materials etc.) according to their time table.

5.Check the hand book daily, see that the children complete their home assignments (learning as well as writing works) regularly and devote at least two to three hours for studies at home.

6.Parents, guardians or visitors are not allowed to see the students or contact them without the permission of the Principal.

7.Parents are requested to make any complaint directly to the school Authorities, not to the teachers.

8. Since the medium of instruction is English students should speak in English at home at least for an hour and particularly in the school as it will enable them to follow their lessons easily and clearly.

9. Private tuitions are discouraged. Parents should not approach any staff member for tuition. The staff of this school cannot accept without the prior permission of the Principal.

10.See that the children are not engaged in late night functions or T.V. programs so as to maintain their concentration and clarity of mind in the class.

11. Parents are requested not to plan holidays or tours during the school days.

12. To prevent the children from being inconvenienced parents are requested to note that the following students will not be admitted to the class room:

1. Late Comers
2. Those who come without proper uniform or whose appearanceis slovenly
3.Those suffering from disease that is contagious or at aninfectious stage.



1. In the Handbook Leave Record pages have been provided concerning leave. Only those ought to be used, if leave is taken for a day or two by parents / guardians. The Handbook should be presented to the class teacher before or that very day, well in time before attendance is taken, or else, the teacher will mark the student ‘ABSENT’.

2. A student who remains absent for a day without getting the leave sanctioned should on returning to the school on the next day, bring proper entry in the ABSENCE RECORD failing which the student may not be allowed to enter the class.

3. The names of those students who remain absent from school for 15 days consecutively without any application for leave signed by their parents or guardians and duly sanctioned by the Principal will be struck off from the school roll. In case they are re-admitted, the admission fees will be charged afresh.

4. Incase of illness, application for sick leave for more than two days must be submitted to the Principal, preferably on the day itself. Also the parents should produce a medical certificate.

5. Leave will be granted only in case of illness and in exceptional cases if applied well in advance listing valid reasons and given in writing. Without proper sanction of leave, no students shall absent, himself/herself form the school at all.

6. For unexcused absence / late coming, appropriate steps will be taken.

7. No students should leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher.

8. In case of leaving the premises during school hours, permission must be obtained from the Principal.
9. Absence of students from class for merely family functions is entirely discouraged and the school does not hold itself responsible for a student who suffers in her / his daily progress for lack of strict adherence to attendance rules.

10. No leave will be granted on Assessment days except for grave reasons, in which case, parents have to come personally with proper application.

11. When the school sends a student for competition, games etc. It is entered in the Handbook and is to be signed by the teacher-in charge. In the attendance, it will be marked present.

12. Attendance is compulsory on Independence Day, Republic Day, Teacher’s Day, Children’s Day, Sports Day, Annual Day, School Day, Open House Day, the week before starting Evaluation, last day before starting a holiday or opening day after the holidays and any other day the school specifies, on which no leave will be considered.


Evaluation and Promotion Rules

Promotion are decided by the Principal in consultation with the staff. It is based on the following criteria:-

1. Marks obtain in periodic assessment and term examination.

2. They must have minimum 40% marks in each subject.

3. Minimum attendance required for promotion is 85%.

4. Active participation in co-curricular and extra curricular activities.

5. Not less than D grade in academic subjects.

6. Overall performance in the academic year (Home work, Note book, Project, Assignment, Work experience, Composition, Non academic activities, Responsibility etc.

7. The result declared is final and cannot be reconsidered.

8. The student who has failed twice in a class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.

9. As per the Amendment made by Rajya Shiksha Kendra, Bhopal (M.P.) in case the child fails in re-examination he/she shall be retained in the fifth class and eighth class, whichever is applicable.